Easter should be the greatest Christian Holiday there is. Today is the day Christ rose for our sins giving us an opportunity to gain eternal life. There hasn't been a single service that outweighs what Christ did for us on that day. Today's list are the 5 important takeaways I took away from the Easter story.
5. Jesus was perfect
Before we get into the life lessons from this story, it should be stated and known that Christ was half man half God. There was no doubt he understood what he had to do for the human race, and only someone who has 24 chromosomes of the Holy Spirit could pull off this miracle. Jesus made it through his life with naysayers, people who wanted to kill him, and regular people whom he turned into disciples. If there is a sports reference, it's like Jesus taking over the quarterbacking of the Cleveland Browns and going 19-0, something that'll never happen.
4. Violence is normal
When the army showed up to take Jesus away the night of his betrayal, Peter wasn't going for it. When Malchus, the high servant of the priest, took towards Jesus to take him in Peter cut off his right ear. Like instantly cut off his ear. Peter saw someone he loved about to be taken away and his first instinct was to protect him. The next verse tells us that Jesus immediately told Peter to put his sword away and allow him to fulfill the task that God has presented for him. Before you all say Peter is the kind of partner you need around you, you must know that..........................
3. Human Nature is Selfish
We're all about saving ourselves. The same Peter who was willing to go to war with the government a few hours ago, is now lying about even knowing Jesus. While Jesus was put into custody and being beaten, Peter was outside lying. Three separate times Peter denied knowing Jesus even cursing the last time. Just as Christ had warned him, the crow belched out as Peter denied him. So how do yo go from ready to ride to deny? It's what people do. Niccolo Machiavelli noted that human nature is selfish, and he was right. After Peter recognized that death was what Jesus wanted to have happen, he instantly turned to doing what he had to do to stay alive. This is after Jesus had told him you will deny me three times before the rooster crows. Now Peter immediately felt remorse and went and cried his eyes out afterwards.
We all know Judas. Judas is the one who turned Jesus in for 30 pieces of silver. Wasn't even gold lol. Judas hung his self after dealing with his guilt, but the takeaway from Judas is that money will have even some of your closest acquaintances can and will sell you out. These people walked with Jesus. They talked with Jesus. They saved with Jesus, yet they still denied and betrayed Jesus. Don't feel too bad when you're "friends" do it. We're selfish people, in order to be great you've got to acknowledge it and fight it.
2. Communion
The last thing that Jesus did with his friends is pray and eat. Eating and drinking are great ways to bond together. Everyone loves food, everyone loves their friends and family. When the two are put together and awesome time is guaranteed to happen. It's important to eat with your people. It's one of the tools Christ left for us to have a good time and it's not one we should take for granted. Even if it's just our coaching staff, the bond strengthens every time. A lot of families don't sit down and eat with each other anymore. That's a shame. There are so many laughs, stories, tears, and moments you all are missing.
1. Sacrifice
The number one takeaway from the Easter story is Christ physically laying his life on the line in the most gruesome way for us to have an opportunity to live forever. The same people who ran in flocks of crowds to see him and hear him are the same people who screamed for Barrabas, a murderer to be released. To beat a man, place thorns on his head, be mocked as the King of the Jews, nails driven through his hands and feet, and hung until he bled out. It's sickening to think about and I promise you I don't love humanity enough to do that. Texas coach Tom Herman says you spell love t.i.m.e. The things you love you spend time with. Jesus inadvertently, says you spell love with LIFE. He gave his life for you. In return he wants your life. He wants your purpose and drive to be centered around him. What can you do for Christ? What can you give? It's not going to look like Jesus. It can't. Nobody is perfect and it won't look the same way. If you want to be used, God can use you. He knows you're: selfish, violent, a cheater, ego's on 1000. Allow him to use you and those things will go away. Christ sacrificed his life, and to gain eternal life, you'll have to sacrifice yours.
5. Jesus was perfect
Before we get into the life lessons from this story, it should be stated and known that Christ was half man half God. There was no doubt he understood what he had to do for the human race, and only someone who has 24 chromosomes of the Holy Spirit could pull off this miracle. Jesus made it through his life with naysayers, people who wanted to kill him, and regular people whom he turned into disciples. If there is a sports reference, it's like Jesus taking over the quarterbacking of the Cleveland Browns and going 19-0, something that'll never happen.
4. Violence is normal
When the army showed up to take Jesus away the night of his betrayal, Peter wasn't going for it. When Malchus, the high servant of the priest, took towards Jesus to take him in Peter cut off his right ear. Like instantly cut off his ear. Peter saw someone he loved about to be taken away and his first instinct was to protect him. The next verse tells us that Jesus immediately told Peter to put his sword away and allow him to fulfill the task that God has presented for him. Before you all say Peter is the kind of partner you need around you, you must know that..........................
3. Human Nature is Selfish
We're all about saving ourselves. The same Peter who was willing to go to war with the government a few hours ago, is now lying about even knowing Jesus. While Jesus was put into custody and being beaten, Peter was outside lying. Three separate times Peter denied knowing Jesus even cursing the last time. Just as Christ had warned him, the crow belched out as Peter denied him. So how do yo go from ready to ride to deny? It's what people do. Niccolo Machiavelli noted that human nature is selfish, and he was right. After Peter recognized that death was what Jesus wanted to have happen, he instantly turned to doing what he had to do to stay alive. This is after Jesus had told him you will deny me three times before the rooster crows. Now Peter immediately felt remorse and went and cried his eyes out afterwards.
We all know Judas. Judas is the one who turned Jesus in for 30 pieces of silver. Wasn't even gold lol. Judas hung his self after dealing with his guilt, but the takeaway from Judas is that money will have even some of your closest acquaintances can and will sell you out. These people walked with Jesus. They talked with Jesus. They saved with Jesus, yet they still denied and betrayed Jesus. Don't feel too bad when you're "friends" do it. We're selfish people, in order to be great you've got to acknowledge it and fight it.
2. Communion
The last thing that Jesus did with his friends is pray and eat. Eating and drinking are great ways to bond together. Everyone loves food, everyone loves their friends and family. When the two are put together and awesome time is guaranteed to happen. It's important to eat with your people. It's one of the tools Christ left for us to have a good time and it's not one we should take for granted. Even if it's just our coaching staff, the bond strengthens every time. A lot of families don't sit down and eat with each other anymore. That's a shame. There are so many laughs, stories, tears, and moments you all are missing.
1. Sacrifice
The number one takeaway from the Easter story is Christ physically laying his life on the line in the most gruesome way for us to have an opportunity to live forever. The same people who ran in flocks of crowds to see him and hear him are the same people who screamed for Barrabas, a murderer to be released. To beat a man, place thorns on his head, be mocked as the King of the Jews, nails driven through his hands and feet, and hung until he bled out. It's sickening to think about and I promise you I don't love humanity enough to do that. Texas coach Tom Herman says you spell love t.i.m.e. The things you love you spend time with. Jesus inadvertently, says you spell love with LIFE. He gave his life for you. In return he wants your life. He wants your purpose and drive to be centered around him. What can you do for Christ? What can you give? It's not going to look like Jesus. It can't. Nobody is perfect and it won't look the same way. If you want to be used, God can use you. He knows you're: selfish, violent, a cheater, ego's on 1000. Allow him to use you and those things will go away. Christ sacrificed his life, and to gain eternal life, you'll have to sacrifice yours.
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